'Heywood Living Memories' Index (Issues 1-5)
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Places & Themes Key
The 'places and themes' content of each entry below is divided into the following categories:
BIO: Biography
BUS: Businesses and occupations
CLT: Clothing
COM: Commemorations and Celebrations
EDU: Education
EL: Entertainment & Leisure
FD: Food
FLK: Folklore
HIS: History
HOM: Home life
IMM: Immigration
LAW: Crime, policing, courts
MED: Medical
MUN: Municipal
ORG: Organisations and clubs
PL: Places and landmarks
PUB: Public houses
REL: Religion
SPT: Sport
TRN: Transport
WAR: Wars
Places & Themes Key
The 'places and themes' content of each entry below is divided into the following categories:
BIO: Biography
BUS: Businesses and occupations
CLT: Clothing
COM: Commemorations and Celebrations
EDU: Education
EL: Entertainment & Leisure
FD: Food
FLK: Folklore
HIS: History
HOM: Home life
IMM: Immigration
LAW: Crime, policing, courts
MED: Medical
MUN: Municipal
ORG: Organisations and clubs
PL: Places and landmarks
PUB: Public houses
REL: Religion
SPT: Sport
TRN: Transport
WAR: Wars
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.3
Title/author: ‘Snippets of a Heywood Childhood’ by Cliff Lever
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-32
BUS: Old market, stalls lit by naptha flares; Cotton waste warehouse (formerly dyeworks), next to Langton Arms, Miller St.; Stable; Well; Ramsbottom’s Smithy, Aspinall St.; Charley Dean, Market St. chemist; Cattle; Barker’s Restaurant, York St.; McBride’s and Greenhalgh’s shops, Miller St.; Bradley’s clothing shop, Market St.; Ice cream – Granelli’s and Craig’s; Clogger – Valentine, Starkey St.;
COM: Bonfires behind James, Rutland Sts.; Funeral; Poor Children’s Christmas Party, Drill Hall
CLT: Clogs (free from Longford St. police station)
DOM: Describes house and garden; Domestic chores
EDU: St Luke’s School; Corporal punishment; Bamford Rd. School
EL: Empire cinema; Picturedrome cinema; Gem cinema; Games (marbles),
MED: Doctors surgery
PL: Miller St.; Millers Brook; Spinners Brew (with reason for name); Crimble
PUB: Langton Arms; Duke of Wellington; Victoria Hotel
REL: Whit Friday Walks; Greentown Methodist Sunday School, nr Mutual Mills;
Names: Miss Boucher, Miss Lees, Miss Craighead (St Luke’s teachers); Johnny Atkinson; Mr Topham; Mr Wilkinson (manager, Empire Cinema); Wilfred Rhodes; George Nichols; Alf Staniland; Mr Holt, truancy officer ‘Schoolboard’; Greenwood, Crowshaw, Pritchard, Rostron, Speakman, Thorpe and Griffiths (teachers, Bamford Rd.);
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.12
Title/author: ‘A Victoria Cross Hero Buried in Heywood’ (Heywood Advertiser, 3 FEB 1893) by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1893
BIO: Anthony Palmer
PL: Heywood Cemetery
WAR: Crimean War (1854)
Names: Anthony Palmer
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.15
Title/author: Steam Wagon
Type: Photo
Setting: 1920
BUS: Birch Mills;
TRN: Sentinel Wagon
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.16
Title/author: ‘Thowd Tin Bath’ by Violet Chadwick
Type: Poem
Places/themes: HOM: Describes bathtime
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.17
Title/author: ‘Bells of St Luke’s Church’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1552-
EDU: New National Schools, William St./Queens Park Rd.
REL: Heywood Chapel/St Luke’s Church, bell dimensions,
Names: John Fenton; Robert Kay; William Livesey; John Hargreaves; William Smith;
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.18
Title/author: Female staff, Mutual Mill
Type: Photo,
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: BUS: Mutual Mills
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.19
Title/author: ‘Shops’ by John Slawson (from the book Hopwood, Heywood and Me)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: Undated
BUS: ‘Tick system’ in shops; Howarth’s toffee shop; Albery Birch, Canal St.; Ridings Cookshop, Middleton Rd.; Ashworth’s butchers; Short’s millinery; Jackson’s grocery, Middleton Rd.; Co-op, Withington St. branch; Lowe’s cake and bread shop, Middleton Rd.; Green’s chip shop (wooden hut); Co-op cart; Ice cream - Wall’s. Granelli, Bamford and Booth.
FD: Various confectionery and groceries described
Names: Albert Birch; Harry Fenton
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, P.4
Title/author: ‘Living Memories’ by Cyril Barlow
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Road construction, description of staff and method; 1937 strike; snow removal
PL: Kershaw Bridge, rebuilding of.
WAR: WW2, construction of air raid shelters, removal of old tram lines
Names: Arnold Middleton (surveyor); Joe Jolley (foreman); Dick Ridge (horsemaster); Paddy Fahy, Harry Hoyle, Harry Kay, Billy Greenwood (carters); Hartley Greenwood (ganger); Charles Edwards, Billy Young, Harry Greenwood, Bernard Hickey, Norris Booth, Billy Poole, Lilley Pilling, Tommy Cain, John Nolan, Jack Heming, Jim Schofield, John Navesey, Jim Corns, George Stansfield (paviors); Cyril Greenwood, Bert Partington, Jimmy Pickup, Bob Berry (footpaths); Teddy Holt (woodwork); Billy Purcell (Gas Board); Jack Robinson, Danny Clare (Water Board); Billy Tattersall (Electric Board); George Ribchester
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.6
Title/author: ‘Childhood Memories of Heywood’ by Mary Maleedy
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
BUS: Barm (yeast) man; Mason’s drapery, Ashton St.;
EL: Fairground, description of rides
FD: Black peas
PL: Ashton St., Angel Meadow
Names: X
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.7
Title/author: ‘The Exiles’ by Kathleen Schofield
Type: Poem
Setting: 19th century
Places/themes: PL: Old Hopwood; Hopwood Hall; Siddal Moor
Names: Lady Hopwood
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.9
Title/author: ‘Rough Weather Conditions at Heywood’ (from Heywood Advertiser 19 APR 1940) by M Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1839
Places/themes: Weather conditions in Heywood, earthquake, storms
Names: Ralph Gee
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.10
Title/author: ‘Reflections’ by Anon.
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
BUS: Shops; local mills; Knocker-up woman; ‘Bell man’; Hilton’s herbalists; Shopping habits; rag and bone man; Irish over for haymaking; George Brierly leatherworks; Abraham Ashworth pawnbrokers, Bridge St.; Rigby pawnbrokers; Tommy Short, barber; Hartley’s pork pie shop, Bridge St.; Steele, dentist; Bairstow butchers;
EDU: Regent St School
EL: Home entertainment; Aero displays
FD: Food eaten each week
HOM: Life at home, weekly baths, heating bricks, cleaning steps with donkey stones
MED: Home remedies
PL: Pilsworth Road, Bridge Street, the ‘Brook’, Wrigley Brook, Bury Street (‘paved brow’), ‘Spinners Row’, Britannia St. lodging house; Phoenix football ground
SPT: Cotton mill ‘medal competitions’
TRN: Train station; Type of traffic on roads
Names: Canon Redman, St. James;
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.14
Title/author: ‘Heywood Memories all the way from Wiltshire’ by G Nuttall
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1915-35
BUS: Plum Mill, wrapper, tester, roller coverer (job types); Cunliffe’s furniture hut; Old markets;
Names: Louis Granelli (death of in WW2)
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.15
Title/author: ‘The Smallest Man in the World’
Type: History
Setting: 1937
Places/themes: BIO: Henry Pyott
EL: Fairgrounds and sideshows
Names: Henry Pyott
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.18
Title/author: ‘More Snippets of a Heywood Childhood’ by Cliff Lever
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Coal man; Chemists ‘put down’ dogs; Arnett’s pawnbrokers, York St.; Shackleton’s scrapyard, Bamford Rd./Holland St.; Lamplighter; Johnson’s off-license, Bamford Rd.; Wild Bros Moss Mill; Howes printers; Blundell’s Joinery Works, Longford St.; Selling firewood; Digging for coal near Mine St.; Mason’s grocers, Market Place; Aspinall’s clothing, Bridge St.; Crowshaw’s fishmongers, ‘The Hollow’; Argenta butchers; Standring’s bakery;
CEL: Armistice Day;
CLT: Union shirts
EDU: Bamford Road School
EL: Mitchell’s Funfair; Picturedrome Cinema; Empire Cinema, ‘The Hollow’; Music at home
FD: Picking wild berries; Free food from Salvation Army; Sheep heads;
FLK: Ghost story, Miller St.
HOM: Cleaning doorsteps on Thursday nights; Inside house; Friday shampoo night; Cleaning teeth with soot and salt; Washing;
PL: Miller St; Miller’s Brook Mill; Moss Mill; Bamford Road; The ‘Hollow’ (Civic Hall area); Salvation Army HQ;
PUB: Star and Garter Hotel
Names: Colonel Hartley, Crimble Lane; Mr Crowshaw;
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.28
Title/author: ‘Walking to School’ by FC Scott
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1917-26
BUS: Butcher’s shops; Lomax bread shop; Co-op shop, reading room; ‘Dockers’ shop; Hartley’s pork shop;
EDU: Heywood Grammar School
EL: ‘Gem’ and ‘Picturedrome’ cinemas
PL: Bury Old Road; Wham Bar; the ‘Brook’;
TRN: Trams
Names: Albert Fitton; Hector Snodgrass; Jimmy Gee (butcher).
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.30
Title/author: ‘Bells of St Luke’s Church #2’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1910
Places/themes: REL: St Luke’s Church; bell restorations; plaque
Names: X
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.31
Title/author: ‘The Lamp Oil Man’ by Geoffrey Dingle
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1900s-’60s
BIO: Ephraim Riddle 1872-56; Leonard Dingle
BUS: Paraffin;
PL: Stoke House, Queens Park Road; Stables on Garden St.
Names: Ephraim Riddle; Edith Mary Evans; Ernest Evans; Ida Evans; Selina Prosser; Stanley and Esther Prosser.
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.35
Title/author: ‘Heywood Memories Society’
Type: Administration
Setting: 1990
Places/themes: Aims of group
Names: K Stanley; M Sheridan; S Chadwick; E Lever; C Lever; J Richardson
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.36
Title/author: ‘Heywood Monkey Town’, by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1850s
Places/themes: HIS: How Heywood got its nickname (brief)
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.4
Title/author: ‘Mutual, Marrowbones and Millbank’ by Alice Ellison
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1910s-‘40s
BUS: Mutual Mill, working in the card room, wages; Roe Acre (1928), wages; Granelli’s
EDU: Regent St School; Harwood Park school (‘Higher Top’)
EL: Walks
PL: Millbank St, houses built 1914; Millbank House, Millbank area; living on Bamford Road; Cedar Ave (1942), ‘slum clearance’;
WAR: World War 2, ‘Means Test’
Names: Brian Ellison; Tommy Ellison, Jimmy Adams
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘Back o’ Beckett’s’ by Eva Ashton
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1910s-‘30s
EDU: Bamford Rd School; Magdala St School
HOM: Rent PL: Links Rd greenhouses; Woodfield Terrace; Argyll St.,
REL: Wesleyan Chapel Sunday School; Whit Walks
Names: Mr Poole, Hilda Brown, Cordall family
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘Respected Teacher Dies’ by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1905
Places/themes: EDU: Death of teacher from Queen St. School
Names: Charles Diggle
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.12
Title/author: ‘Clock Oil and a Motorbike’ by Dorothy Robinson
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-
EDU: Magdala St. School; Hornby Street Senior girls; Trade School (Manchester)
Names: Mr Farnell (headmaster)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.13
Title/author: Harold Pyott – ‘Tiny Tim’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s?
‘Smallest Man’;
BUS: Bisby tailors, Church St.
PL: Longford Street
Names: Harold Pyott, Doris Lake (Tetlow)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.15
Title/author: ‘A Letter from Wiltshire’ by G Nuttall
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
Places/themes: EDU: Regent St School; Grammar School; Central School
Names: Mr Stott, Mrs Copley, Miss Morgan, Reg Butler, Chris Winchester, Harvey Anderton, Jack Glover; Mr and Mrs Bates
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.16
Title/author: ‘Memories of Heywood Cinemas’ by Harry Hill
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
Places/themes: EL: Saturday afternoon matinee
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.16
Title/author: ‘Snippets’ by D Lindley
Type: Letter
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Nicholson, bakery and confection, Wild St.; Jonathon Dawson, corn merchant
Workmate of Jack Fleming killed working on a road, Waggon & Horses pub, Birtle
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.17
Title/author: ‘2301 (Heywood) Squadron ATC’ by Roy Taylor
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1950s on
EL: Temperance Billiard Hall, Queen Street
PL: Civil Defence Headquarters, Market Street; Bury St. Sunday School
ORG: Air Training Corps; ATC in 1954; training and camps, excursions, Remembrance Sunday
WAR: Formation of ADC in World War 2
Names: Rev. Eric Corr, Mr Timperley, Derek Lancaster, Frank Mills, John Richardson, Rosemary Hatherley, Bryan Hudson, Paddy Scullion
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.20
Title/author: ‘An Escaped Georgian Slave in Heywood’ by Cliff Lever
Type: History
Setting: 1850/51
Places/themes: BUS: John Mills, builder; IMM: Escaped US slave
Names: John Brown (escaped slave); John Mills (builder)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.21
Title/author: ‘From Birch to Buckingham Palace’ by S Bennion
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902-on
BUS: Granelli’s ice cream; Princess Mill, Twin St.;
EL: Heywood Old Band, Heywood Concertina Band; school ‘half-time’;
PL: Birch; Gregge St as ‘Green Blind Lane’; Fairfield Hospital;
REL: St Mary’s Church, Birch
WAR: World War 1
receiving MBE
Names: Isaac Wharton; William Isherwood
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.23
Title/author: ‘Young Rembrandt – an unusual occupation’ by Harry Johnston
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1939-on
Places/themes: BUS: Birtle Pottery, post-WW2; becoming an artist frowned upon
REL: Old Moulding Methodist Chapel
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.24
Title/author: Regent St. Boys School class
Type: Photo
Setting: 1938
Places/themes: EDU: Regent St. Boys School, 3rd year boys;
Names: Mark Briggs, Arnold Mills, Alex Stott, Hartley Booth, George Nalty, Kenneth Hodgkinson, Tom Kay, Jack Mather, Phillip Whitham, Albert Kershaw, Roy Coleman, Stanley Chadwick, Kenneth Duxbury, Harry Johnston, Tom Holt
Vol. 3. JAN 1991, p.25
Title/author: ‘The Ever-open Door’ by FL Wild
Type: Poem
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: Wild family, life in Heywood; Rosehill St; World War 2
Names: Wild family – Bill, Charlie, Mary, Jack, Sydney, Vera, Victor Laurence
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.27
Title/author: ‘Musical Life in Heywood and District’ by Charlie Southern
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920-1950s
ORG/EL: Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society; Heywood Military Band (photo); Heywood Old Band; St John’s Scouts Band; concerts in Queen’s Park
PL: Lower Todd St; walk to Market Place;
REL: Whit Walks; Bury New Road Methodist Church;
Names: Alfred Hickford, John Clegg, Harry Hemingway, Jack Hoyle, Ida Staines, Elsie Butterfield, Mark Southern (wrestler), Charlie Needham, George and Bill Whiteside, Jesie Wykes, Leonard Davis, Mr Dennerley, Bill Davies, George Nuttall, Charlie Thomson, Ben Holding, Bill Wright, Charlie Olleronshaw
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.31
Title/author: ‘Remembering’ by L Golding
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1933-1950s
Places/themes: BUS: Shopping;
EL: Dances at St John’s Ambulance Hall
HOM: Death in fireplace;
PL: High Street;
SPT: football; Heywood East Ward Juniors
Names: Grandma Golding, Gerlad MacGloughlin, Sam Butterworth, Kenny Walters, Miss Hamer, Tommy Shufflebottom
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.33
Title/author: ‘Heywood at War – Personal Reflections’ by M Williams
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1938-1940s
WAR: Nursing, World War 2; hospitals cleared 1939; Christmas blitz Manchester 1940; bombs in Heywood, Dorin Court; Bamford Hall as convalescent hospital; photos p.36
Names: Mary Richardson (died in bombing),
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.38
Title/author: ‘What we had in Heywood in 1933’
Type: List
Setting: 1933
Places/themes: MUN: List of public offices and their addresses in Heywood
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.40
Title/author: Programme illustration
Type: Advertisement
Setting: 1902
Places/themes: EL: Programme illustration from Heywood Open-Air Sacred Music Festival;
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.4
Title/author: ‘Those Dancing Days’ by Eddie Hilton
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s-60s
EL: Dance bands; Mayfair Orchestra (photo, 1947, with names); Saturday Night Hop; dance teachers; Works dances
PL: Queen’s Park (photo, 1960, with names)
Names: Bobby Fisher, Arthur Wood, Tom Cochrane, Tom Eastwood, Bert Ogden, Bert Charlesworth, Ernie Harrison, Wilf Taylor, Fred Smith, Mrs Hamer, Tommy Shufflebottom, Terry Duckers, Tom Salkeld, Bobby Whittaker, Ron Butterworth, Derek Rodgers, Jack Landale, Ken Hays, Billy Johnson
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.7
Title/author: ‘A Friendly Wave in Time’ by MG
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: PL: Miller St.; WAR: Nazi plane over Heywood, pilot waving
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘The Boy from Brazil’ by Harry Johnston
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930-
IMM: Immigrant from Brazil
PL: Birtle; Heap Brow
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘The Bells of St Luke’s Church part 3’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1920s-1970s
Places/themes: REL: St Luke’s Church; bellringing; bells lowered
Names: Ernest Brearley
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 12
Title/author: ‘Recollections’ by Hopwoodite
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1911-1950s
BUS: Working as ‘half-timer’; Mills called by nicknames; ‘Twelve’s’ shops; Wild’s Minerals; Tranters
CEL: Visit of King George; Maypole Day;
EDU: Magdala St School;
EL: Dances; Hopwood Picture Palace; Other cinemas;
HOM: Monday wash day, washing and ironing; no coal during General Strike; Donkey stones;
PL: Clive St.; Gregge St. as ‘Waggon Road’; Miller St.; Liberal Club, Green Lane; Magdala St.; Public toilets on Hind Hill St.;
REL: Miller St Primitive Chapel; Whit Friday;
TRN: Tramlines;
WAR: World War 1;
Names: Tom Isherwood, Mr Nightingale, Mr Wilkinson (cinema)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.18
Title/author: ‘Village Life Remembered’ by G Teale (nee Lowe)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-1940s
BUS: Shops in Heap Bridge; Fire at Yates-Duxbury;
EDU: Heap Bridge Primary School opened 1912;
EL: Brass band; Magic lantern shows; ‘Heap Bridge Revellers’ 1931/32 – (photo, names)
PL: Heap Brow; demolition of Prettywood houses;
REL: Church of St George;
Names: Rev William Potter
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.20
Title/author: ‘Coal and Heywood’ by John Slawson
Type: History
Setting: 19th century on
BUS: 19th century heyday; Different types of pits;
PL: Pits at - Hopwood; Waggon Rd; Ashworth Colliery; Bamford Close; Wolstenholme Fold; Meadowcroft; Coalbank and Flagstone; Bowling Green; Captain Fold; Bamford Colliery; Red Lumb; Hooley Bridge
Names: Lady Susan Hopwood, Robert Gregge Hopwood, George Butterworth, Will Redman,
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.22
Title/author: ‘Married on Hitler’s Birthday’ by Mary Stott (n.Lunn)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1914-
BUS: Knotting towel fringes at Hargreaves (1928), wages; Times Mill; WR Lees (Hooley Bridge)
EDU: Regent St School; Heady Hill School; Heywood Grammar School exams; Heywood Central School;
PL: Bury Old Rd;
Names: Miss Barber (teacher), Mary Simcott, Molly Boucher, Fred Stott, Canon Redmond, Margaret Crowther, Franwell Buckley (sold oatcakes), Arthur Stott,
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.23
Title/author: ‘A Tale from Three Arrows’ by Kathleen Schofield
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1961
Places/themes: PUB: Three Arrows
Names: Stanley Payne (landlord); Tom Wood (farmer)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.24
Title/author: The Good Old Days?’ by Ada Taylor (n. Scharnhorst)
Type: Reminiscences ‘
Setting: 1904 on
BUS: Butcher; Birch Mill; Princess Mill
EL: ‘Empire’ cinema
IMM: Immigrants from Germany
PL: Back Birch Street, Birch; Doctor’s Lane, Birch; Pickup S.; Hardfield; Schofield St.
TRN: First motorbike in Heywood
WAR: WW1 internment
Names: Mary Howarth, Paul Scharnhorst, Denis Prior, Tommy Sunderland (coalman); John Ratledge (builders); Charles Ellis (meat shop)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 27
Title/author: ‘Memories of Heywood Albion Cycling Club’ by Denis Baldry
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s-1939
BUS: Harry Bolton cycle shop; Shepherd’s cycle shop;
SPT: Heywood Albion Cycling Club
Names: Lomax, Rushworth, George Bolton, Joseph Gledhill
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Stoke House’ by Jean Howarth
Type: Letter
Setting: pre-1983
Places/themes: Stoke House, Queens Park Road
Names: Ted Howarth
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Memories’ by ‘Pensioner’
Type: Letter
Setting: 1910s on
BUS: Greaves, Twelves (bakery); Barnes (grocer), Masons (shop), Mills’ chemists, cnr of Taylor St.
EDU: Bethel St. School
FLK: ‘Fireman’s Foot’, fire at mill
PL: Cottages, Kenyon Mill, Crimble
WAR: WW1, bugle calling territorials at outset
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 29
Title/author: ‘A Line From Canada’ by Peggy and Jock Kerr (n.Taylor)
Type: Letter
Setting: Pre-1961
BUS: Perry’s Towel Mill; Aspinall’s Smithy; Frank Rigby’s Pawn Shop, Bury St.; Woosey’s Cake Shop; Sanderson the Clogger; Bowker’s Chip Shop, Wham St.
EDU: Regent St. School; Hornby St. Girls’ School
PL: Wham Bar; Wham St. (description of); Botany Wood
WAR: Teddy Corns, John Bly, Charlie Ashworth (all killed in WW2)
Names: Miss Barber (teacher); Fred Bridge (Sunday School)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 29
Title/author: ‘Public House checks’ by Clifford Stockton
Type: Letter
Setting: 1850s-70s
Places/themes: PUB: Dog and Partridge, Rochdale Road East; Heywood Cemetery
Names: Thomas Fenton, licensee 1858-71
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 4
Title/author: ‘My Memories’ by Doris Lake (n.Tetlow)
Type: Reminiscences (with photo of Fire Brigade)
Setting: 1914 on
BUS: Fire Brigade (yard on York St.); Mutual Mills
EDU: St Luke’s School
PL: York St.; Hartley St. (fireman’s homes); Alleged tunnel under Advertiser office, St Luke’s Church, May Wolstenholme’s Ladies Outfitters, across centre of Heywood to Queen Anne, then narrow one to Longford St., was known as ‘Smugglers Tunnel’
WAR: WW2, service of Jim Lake
Names: Tom, Bill, Dick and Alice Tetlow; Jim Lake; Gracie Fields; Capt. Porritt, Heywood MP;
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 7
Title/author: ‘A Child’s Mikado’ by M Williams
Type: Reminiscences (with photo of Guide show, 1930)
Setting: 1918 on
EDU: St John’s Sunday School, Rock St.;
EL: Guide show ‘The Last Mikado’
ORG: St. John’s Brownies and Guides;
PL: Gregge St.;
Names: Marjorie Williams n.Hogg; Mr Maddocks; Billy Waters; Ken Hulton; Irena Matthews; Norah Cox; Jessie Taylor; Robert North; Jean Waters; Beatrice Ketland; Maisie Leach; Gladys Hinde; Alice Maddocks
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘From Riveting Lad to Factory Owner’ by J Higson
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1820s-1916
BIO: John Clegg
BUS: John Clegg & Co. (boiler makers, Star Works); Joseph Smith Hargreaves (match factory)
MUN: Heywood Local Board
ORG: Freemasons
PL: Duke St.
REL: Bethel Chapel
Names: John Clegg
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘Heywood has been good to us’ by ‘Mary’(n.Johnson)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902 on
BUS: Roach Mill (working as doffer); Wild’s
EDU: Bamford Rd School;
EL: Music - Church Lad’s Brigade and St Luke’s Church band;
PL: Old School House, Queens Park Road; Bit-Bats.
Names: Alex Johnson (bandmaster); St Luke’s Lad’s Brigade Band – J Taylor, T Johnson, I Jackson, L Barlow, J Watkiss, E Preece, T Bowker, J Oddie, E Schofield, S Jackson, S Fletcher, F Riley, O Driver, T Yates, JD Johnson, A Johnson, Rev. H Sergeant, Rev. CM Cameron, H Jesson, T Lee; Reg Cutler.
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 12
Title/author: ‘My Lost Week (The Mary Coleman Story)’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1896
BIO: Mary Coleman
BUS: Birch Mill(weavers); Home Help; Image of ‘Borough of Heywood Labour Certificate’
EDU: Harwood Park School
PL: Doctor Fold Lane, Birch
SPT: Cycling – Clarion Cycle Club
Names: Mary Coleman; Bennett, William, James, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah Isherwood; Richard, Roy and Elsie Coleman
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 14
Title/author: ‘Charles Howarth - Co-operative Pioneer’ by Mike Hill
Type: History
Setting: 1814-68
BIO: Charles Howarth
BUS: Co-op Society; Rochdale Weavers Strike
PL: Wilton St.
Names: Charles Howarth
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 18
Title/author: ‘Ben’s Story’ by Ben Wild
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902 on
BUS: Knocker-up; Healey’s; Heywood Original and Mutual Society (‘Dead List’), Hind Hill St.; Bradley’s (clothing shop, town centre); Howcrofts’ (bakery); Billy Parkie (chip shop); Yorkshire Penny Bank, York/Queen St.; Kay’s furniture shop, Queen St.; Nightingale’s, drink shop, Manchester Road; Fitzpatrick’s, Wharton’s (drink shops);
COM: Royal visits 1913, 1940s
EDU: Bamford Road School
EL: Games - ‘Peggy’; kite flying; Music – Heywood Old Band, Heywood Concertina Band, Heywood Military Band, German bands (pre-WW1); ‘Bee Hive’ billiard hall, Queen St. (used to be church and school);
MED: Drs Hitchon, Bisset and Wisken, Manchester Road
PL: Doctor Fold Lane, Birch; Brunswick St.; Spinners Row; View from Bury Old Road to Heaton Park; Gaskill St.; ‘Chicken Run’ from Pilsworth Road to Duke of Wellington pub (‘promenading’); sand hill at Taylor St./Hind Hill St.;
REL: Catholic Church on Dawson St.;
SPT: Football
WAR: WW1, German zeppelin seen over Knowl Hill from Garden St (bombed Bolton); family casualties in WW1.
Names: Blind Charlie (piano tuner); Tommy Short (barber); Pea Sammy (barms); Harold Nunwick; Cranfield (pro cricketer, Pot Hall)
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.11
Title/author: Answers to place names quiz, HLM #4
Type: Geography
Setting: Undated
Places/themes: PL: Ogden Hall (Sycamore Ave.); The Hollow (Civic Hall); The Bunk (nr Waggon Works); Honest Row (Haresill Road); Skennin’ Brew (top Bamford Rd.); Down t’ Brook (Bridge St.); Bob Cobs (Middleton Rd. footpath); Back o’ Becketts (Walton St.); Green Blind Row (Gregge St.); Fitton Hill (Glamis Ave.); Waggon Road (nr. Sycamore Ave.); Breakle/Brick Hill (Gregge St.); Windy Bank (Hartley St.)
Names: x
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 23
Title/author: ‘Heywood Central Selective School’ by ‘Anon’
Type: History/reminiscences
Setting: 1920-1940s
EDU: Heywood Central Selective School; Hornby St. Senior School; school curriculum, 1920s; Regent St. School; Regent St. Secondary Modern School
PL: Cheesden Valley
Names: JT Pearson (headmaster); Mr Lunt (headmaster, 1930s); John Whitworth, Miss Peers, A Hobson, Miss Ashworth. Miss McWhinnie, Miss Ramsbottom, Miss Rigby/Mrs Naylor (teachers); Mr Chaplin (headmaster); Mr Brown (caretaker and cricketer); Mr Chadwick (headmaster); Mr Watkinson (headmaster)
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 26
Title/author: ‘We danced to the Station’ by William Chadwick
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1906 on
BUS: New York Mill (closed 1929); Moss Mill
COM: Whit Walks, preparations, route, Accrington Band played for 70 years, St. Luke’s Choir
EDU: St Luke’s School
PL: Gorsey Hill St.; John St.
WAR: WW2, A.R.P.
Names: Tricky Johnson; Alice Chadwick; Roger ?Whittaker (organist); Phillip Holt (choirmaster);
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Pubs, Clubs and Churches we have known’ by Harry Hill
Type: History
Setting: Undated
PUB: Closed pubs and clubs - Coronation Club/Red Lion, Birch (closed after WW2); Hopwood Liberal Club (Green Lane); Hopwood Arms, Minders Arms (Victoria St., Hopwood); Swan, British Legion Club (nr. Latex); Friendship (Rochdale Lane); Cotton Tree (Hardfield St.); Mitre (Miller St.); Star, Star and Garter (Bamford Rd.); Reform Club; Red Lion (Ashton St.); Commercial Hotel (Bridge St.); Labour Club (Bridge St.); Phoenix club, Garden St. (closed 1963); Yew Tree (Peel Lane); Railway (Prettywood); Irish Democratic Club (Morrisons); Royal Oak (York St.); Joiners (Hornby St.), closed late 1980s; Railway Hotel (Manchester Road); East Ward Working Men’s Club (Manchester Road), closed 1985;
REL: Closed churches - Hopwood United Methodist Church; Hopwood Wesleyan Church; Miller St. Methodist Church; Greentown Methodist Church; Heywood New Jerusalem Church; Heywood Mission Chapel; Heywood Unitarian Church; Market St. Methodist Church; Primitive Methodist Church; Bury St. C of E Sunday School; Heady Hill C of E Church; Heap Bridge Methodist Church; Queens Park Road Spiritualist Church; York St. Congregational Church
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 30
Title/author: ‘Ashworth and its Characters’ by ‘Gabriel Oak’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1940 on
PL: Knowl Hill; Higher Red Lumb Farm;
WAR: WW2, Ministry of Food, Compulsory Ploughing Act,
Names: X
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-32
BUS: Old market, stalls lit by naptha flares; Cotton waste warehouse (formerly dyeworks), next to Langton Arms, Miller St.; Stable; Well; Ramsbottom’s Smithy, Aspinall St.; Charley Dean, Market St. chemist; Cattle; Barker’s Restaurant, York St.; McBride’s and Greenhalgh’s shops, Miller St.; Bradley’s clothing shop, Market St.; Ice cream – Granelli’s and Craig’s; Clogger – Valentine, Starkey St.;
COM: Bonfires behind James, Rutland Sts.; Funeral; Poor Children’s Christmas Party, Drill Hall
CLT: Clogs (free from Longford St. police station)
DOM: Describes house and garden; Domestic chores
EDU: St Luke’s School; Corporal punishment; Bamford Rd. School
EL: Empire cinema; Picturedrome cinema; Gem cinema; Games (marbles),
MED: Doctors surgery
PL: Miller St.; Millers Brook; Spinners Brew (with reason for name); Crimble
PUB: Langton Arms; Duke of Wellington; Victoria Hotel
REL: Whit Friday Walks; Greentown Methodist Sunday School, nr Mutual Mills;
Names: Miss Boucher, Miss Lees, Miss Craighead (St Luke’s teachers); Johnny Atkinson; Mr Topham; Mr Wilkinson (manager, Empire Cinema); Wilfred Rhodes; George Nichols; Alf Staniland; Mr Holt, truancy officer ‘Schoolboard’; Greenwood, Crowshaw, Pritchard, Rostron, Speakman, Thorpe and Griffiths (teachers, Bamford Rd.);
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.12
Title/author: ‘A Victoria Cross Hero Buried in Heywood’ (Heywood Advertiser, 3 FEB 1893) by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1893
BIO: Anthony Palmer
PL: Heywood Cemetery
WAR: Crimean War (1854)
Names: Anthony Palmer
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.15
Title/author: Steam Wagon
Type: Photo
Setting: 1920
BUS: Birch Mills;
TRN: Sentinel Wagon
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.16
Title/author: ‘Thowd Tin Bath’ by Violet Chadwick
Type: Poem
Places/themes: HOM: Describes bathtime
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.17
Title/author: ‘Bells of St Luke’s Church’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1552-
EDU: New National Schools, William St./Queens Park Rd.
REL: Heywood Chapel/St Luke’s Church, bell dimensions,
Names: John Fenton; Robert Kay; William Livesey; John Hargreaves; William Smith;
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.18
Title/author: Female staff, Mutual Mill
Type: Photo,
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: BUS: Mutual Mills
Names: X
Vol. 1, JAN 1990, p.19
Title/author: ‘Shops’ by John Slawson (from the book Hopwood, Heywood and Me)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: Undated
BUS: ‘Tick system’ in shops; Howarth’s toffee shop; Albery Birch, Canal St.; Ridings Cookshop, Middleton Rd.; Ashworth’s butchers; Short’s millinery; Jackson’s grocery, Middleton Rd.; Co-op, Withington St. branch; Lowe’s cake and bread shop, Middleton Rd.; Green’s chip shop (wooden hut); Co-op cart; Ice cream - Wall’s. Granelli, Bamford and Booth.
FD: Various confectionery and groceries described
Names: Albert Birch; Harry Fenton
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, P.4
Title/author: ‘Living Memories’ by Cyril Barlow
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Road construction, description of staff and method; 1937 strike; snow removal
PL: Kershaw Bridge, rebuilding of.
WAR: WW2, construction of air raid shelters, removal of old tram lines
Names: Arnold Middleton (surveyor); Joe Jolley (foreman); Dick Ridge (horsemaster); Paddy Fahy, Harry Hoyle, Harry Kay, Billy Greenwood (carters); Hartley Greenwood (ganger); Charles Edwards, Billy Young, Harry Greenwood, Bernard Hickey, Norris Booth, Billy Poole, Lilley Pilling, Tommy Cain, John Nolan, Jack Heming, Jim Schofield, John Navesey, Jim Corns, George Stansfield (paviors); Cyril Greenwood, Bert Partington, Jimmy Pickup, Bob Berry (footpaths); Teddy Holt (woodwork); Billy Purcell (Gas Board); Jack Robinson, Danny Clare (Water Board); Billy Tattersall (Electric Board); George Ribchester
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.6
Title/author: ‘Childhood Memories of Heywood’ by Mary Maleedy
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
BUS: Barm (yeast) man; Mason’s drapery, Ashton St.;
EL: Fairground, description of rides
FD: Black peas
PL: Ashton St., Angel Meadow
Names: X
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.7
Title/author: ‘The Exiles’ by Kathleen Schofield
Type: Poem
Setting: 19th century
Places/themes: PL: Old Hopwood; Hopwood Hall; Siddal Moor
Names: Lady Hopwood
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.9
Title/author: ‘Rough Weather Conditions at Heywood’ (from Heywood Advertiser 19 APR 1940) by M Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1839
Places/themes: Weather conditions in Heywood, earthquake, storms
Names: Ralph Gee
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.10
Title/author: ‘Reflections’ by Anon.
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
BUS: Shops; local mills; Knocker-up woman; ‘Bell man’; Hilton’s herbalists; Shopping habits; rag and bone man; Irish over for haymaking; George Brierly leatherworks; Abraham Ashworth pawnbrokers, Bridge St.; Rigby pawnbrokers; Tommy Short, barber; Hartley’s pork pie shop, Bridge St.; Steele, dentist; Bairstow butchers;
EDU: Regent St School
EL: Home entertainment; Aero displays
FD: Food eaten each week
HOM: Life at home, weekly baths, heating bricks, cleaning steps with donkey stones
MED: Home remedies
PL: Pilsworth Road, Bridge Street, the ‘Brook’, Wrigley Brook, Bury Street (‘paved brow’), ‘Spinners Row’, Britannia St. lodging house; Phoenix football ground
SPT: Cotton mill ‘medal competitions’
TRN: Train station; Type of traffic on roads
Names: Canon Redman, St. James;
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.14
Title/author: ‘Heywood Memories all the way from Wiltshire’ by G Nuttall
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1915-35
BUS: Plum Mill, wrapper, tester, roller coverer (job types); Cunliffe’s furniture hut; Old markets;
Names: Louis Granelli (death of in WW2)
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.15
Title/author: ‘The Smallest Man in the World’
Type: History
Setting: 1937
Places/themes: BIO: Henry Pyott
EL: Fairgrounds and sideshows
Names: Henry Pyott
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.18
Title/author: ‘More Snippets of a Heywood Childhood’ by Cliff Lever
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Coal man; Chemists ‘put down’ dogs; Arnett’s pawnbrokers, York St.; Shackleton’s scrapyard, Bamford Rd./Holland St.; Lamplighter; Johnson’s off-license, Bamford Rd.; Wild Bros Moss Mill; Howes printers; Blundell’s Joinery Works, Longford St.; Selling firewood; Digging for coal near Mine St.; Mason’s grocers, Market Place; Aspinall’s clothing, Bridge St.; Crowshaw’s fishmongers, ‘The Hollow’; Argenta butchers; Standring’s bakery;
CEL: Armistice Day;
CLT: Union shirts
EDU: Bamford Road School
EL: Mitchell’s Funfair; Picturedrome Cinema; Empire Cinema, ‘The Hollow’; Music at home
FD: Picking wild berries; Free food from Salvation Army; Sheep heads;
FLK: Ghost story, Miller St.
HOM: Cleaning doorsteps on Thursday nights; Inside house; Friday shampoo night; Cleaning teeth with soot and salt; Washing;
PL: Miller St; Miller’s Brook Mill; Moss Mill; Bamford Road; The ‘Hollow’ (Civic Hall area); Salvation Army HQ;
PUB: Star and Garter Hotel
Names: Colonel Hartley, Crimble Lane; Mr Crowshaw;
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.28
Title/author: ‘Walking to School’ by FC Scott
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1917-26
BUS: Butcher’s shops; Lomax bread shop; Co-op shop, reading room; ‘Dockers’ shop; Hartley’s pork shop;
EDU: Heywood Grammar School
EL: ‘Gem’ and ‘Picturedrome’ cinemas
PL: Bury Old Road; Wham Bar; the ‘Brook’;
TRN: Trams
Names: Albert Fitton; Hector Snodgrass; Jimmy Gee (butcher).
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.30
Title/author: ‘Bells of St Luke’s Church #2’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1910
Places/themes: REL: St Luke’s Church; bell restorations; plaque
Names: X
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.31
Title/author: ‘The Lamp Oil Man’ by Geoffrey Dingle
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1900s-’60s
BIO: Ephraim Riddle 1872-56; Leonard Dingle
BUS: Paraffin;
PL: Stoke House, Queens Park Road; Stables on Garden St.
Names: Ephraim Riddle; Edith Mary Evans; Ernest Evans; Ida Evans; Selina Prosser; Stanley and Esther Prosser.
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.35
Title/author: ‘Heywood Memories Society’
Type: Administration
Setting: 1990
Places/themes: Aims of group
Names: K Stanley; M Sheridan; S Chadwick; E Lever; C Lever; J Richardson
Vol. 2, OCT 1990, p.36
Title/author: ‘Heywood Monkey Town’, by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1850s
Places/themes: HIS: How Heywood got its nickname (brief)
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.4
Title/author: ‘Mutual, Marrowbones and Millbank’ by Alice Ellison
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1910s-‘40s
BUS: Mutual Mill, working in the card room, wages; Roe Acre (1928), wages; Granelli’s
EDU: Regent St School; Harwood Park school (‘Higher Top’)
EL: Walks
PL: Millbank St, houses built 1914; Millbank House, Millbank area; living on Bamford Road; Cedar Ave (1942), ‘slum clearance’;
WAR: World War 2, ‘Means Test’
Names: Brian Ellison; Tommy Ellison, Jimmy Adams
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘Back o’ Beckett’s’ by Eva Ashton
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1910s-‘30s
EDU: Bamford Rd School; Magdala St School
HOM: Rent PL: Links Rd greenhouses; Woodfield Terrace; Argyll St.,
REL: Wesleyan Chapel Sunday School; Whit Walks
Names: Mr Poole, Hilda Brown, Cordall family
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘Respected Teacher Dies’ by Mike Sheridan
Type: History
Setting: 1905
Places/themes: EDU: Death of teacher from Queen St. School
Names: Charles Diggle
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.12
Title/author: ‘Clock Oil and a Motorbike’ by Dorothy Robinson
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-
EDU: Magdala St. School; Hornby Street Senior girls; Trade School (Manchester)
Names: Mr Farnell (headmaster)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.13
Title/author: Harold Pyott – ‘Tiny Tim’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s?
‘Smallest Man’;
BUS: Bisby tailors, Church St.
PL: Longford Street
Names: Harold Pyott, Doris Lake (Tetlow)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.15
Title/author: ‘A Letter from Wiltshire’ by G Nuttall
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
Places/themes: EDU: Regent St School; Grammar School; Central School
Names: Mr Stott, Mrs Copley, Miss Morgan, Reg Butler, Chris Winchester, Harvey Anderton, Jack Glover; Mr and Mrs Bates
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.16
Title/author: ‘Memories of Heywood Cinemas’ by Harry Hill
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s
Places/themes: EL: Saturday afternoon matinee
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.16
Title/author: ‘Snippets’ by D Lindley
Type: Letter
Setting: 1930s
BUS: Nicholson, bakery and confection, Wild St.; Jonathon Dawson, corn merchant
Workmate of Jack Fleming killed working on a road, Waggon & Horses pub, Birtle
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.17
Title/author: ‘2301 (Heywood) Squadron ATC’ by Roy Taylor
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1950s on
EL: Temperance Billiard Hall, Queen Street
PL: Civil Defence Headquarters, Market Street; Bury St. Sunday School
ORG: Air Training Corps; ATC in 1954; training and camps, excursions, Remembrance Sunday
WAR: Formation of ADC in World War 2
Names: Rev. Eric Corr, Mr Timperley, Derek Lancaster, Frank Mills, John Richardson, Rosemary Hatherley, Bryan Hudson, Paddy Scullion
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.20
Title/author: ‘An Escaped Georgian Slave in Heywood’ by Cliff Lever
Type: History
Setting: 1850/51
Places/themes: BUS: John Mills, builder; IMM: Escaped US slave
Names: John Brown (escaped slave); John Mills (builder)
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.21
Title/author: ‘From Birch to Buckingham Palace’ by S Bennion
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902-on
BUS: Granelli’s ice cream; Princess Mill, Twin St.;
EL: Heywood Old Band, Heywood Concertina Band; school ‘half-time’;
PL: Birch; Gregge St as ‘Green Blind Lane’; Fairfield Hospital;
REL: St Mary’s Church, Birch
WAR: World War 1
receiving MBE
Names: Isaac Wharton; William Isherwood
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.23
Title/author: ‘Young Rembrandt – an unusual occupation’ by Harry Johnston
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1939-on
Places/themes: BUS: Birtle Pottery, post-WW2; becoming an artist frowned upon
REL: Old Moulding Methodist Chapel
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.24
Title/author: Regent St. Boys School class
Type: Photo
Setting: 1938
Places/themes: EDU: Regent St. Boys School, 3rd year boys;
Names: Mark Briggs, Arnold Mills, Alex Stott, Hartley Booth, George Nalty, Kenneth Hodgkinson, Tom Kay, Jack Mather, Phillip Whitham, Albert Kershaw, Roy Coleman, Stanley Chadwick, Kenneth Duxbury, Harry Johnston, Tom Holt
Vol. 3. JAN 1991, p.25
Title/author: ‘The Ever-open Door’ by FL Wild
Type: Poem
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: Wild family, life in Heywood; Rosehill St; World War 2
Names: Wild family – Bill, Charlie, Mary, Jack, Sydney, Vera, Victor Laurence
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.27
Title/author: ‘Musical Life in Heywood and District’ by Charlie Southern
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920-1950s
ORG/EL: Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society; Heywood Military Band (photo); Heywood Old Band; St John’s Scouts Band; concerts in Queen’s Park
PL: Lower Todd St; walk to Market Place;
REL: Whit Walks; Bury New Road Methodist Church;
Names: Alfred Hickford, John Clegg, Harry Hemingway, Jack Hoyle, Ida Staines, Elsie Butterfield, Mark Southern (wrestler), Charlie Needham, George and Bill Whiteside, Jesie Wykes, Leonard Davis, Mr Dennerley, Bill Davies, George Nuttall, Charlie Thomson, Ben Holding, Bill Wright, Charlie Olleronshaw
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.31
Title/author: ‘Remembering’ by L Golding
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1933-1950s
Places/themes: BUS: Shopping;
EL: Dances at St John’s Ambulance Hall
HOM: Death in fireplace;
PL: High Street;
SPT: football; Heywood East Ward Juniors
Names: Grandma Golding, Gerlad MacGloughlin, Sam Butterworth, Kenny Walters, Miss Hamer, Tommy Shufflebottom
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.33
Title/author: ‘Heywood at War – Personal Reflections’ by M Williams
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1938-1940s
WAR: Nursing, World War 2; hospitals cleared 1939; Christmas blitz Manchester 1940; bombs in Heywood, Dorin Court; Bamford Hall as convalescent hospital; photos p.36
Names: Mary Richardson (died in bombing),
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.38
Title/author: ‘What we had in Heywood in 1933’
Type: List
Setting: 1933
Places/themes: MUN: List of public offices and their addresses in Heywood
Names: X
Vol. 3, JAN 1991, p.40
Title/author: Programme illustration
Type: Advertisement
Setting: 1902
Places/themes: EL: Programme illustration from Heywood Open-Air Sacred Music Festival;
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.4
Title/author: ‘Those Dancing Days’ by Eddie Hilton
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930s-60s
EL: Dance bands; Mayfair Orchestra (photo, 1947, with names); Saturday Night Hop; dance teachers; Works dances
PL: Queen’s Park (photo, 1960, with names)
Names: Bobby Fisher, Arthur Wood, Tom Cochrane, Tom Eastwood, Bert Ogden, Bert Charlesworth, Ernie Harrison, Wilf Taylor, Fred Smith, Mrs Hamer, Tommy Shufflebottom, Terry Duckers, Tom Salkeld, Bobby Whittaker, Ron Butterworth, Derek Rodgers, Jack Landale, Ken Hays, Billy Johnson
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.7
Title/author: ‘A Friendly Wave in Time’ by MG
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1940s
Places/themes: PL: Miller St.; WAR: Nazi plane over Heywood, pilot waving
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘The Boy from Brazil’ by Harry Johnston
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1930-
IMM: Immigrant from Brazil
PL: Birtle; Heap Brow
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘The Bells of St Luke’s Church part 3’ by John Partington
Type: History
Setting: 1920s-1970s
Places/themes: REL: St Luke’s Church; bellringing; bells lowered
Names: Ernest Brearley
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 12
Title/author: ‘Recollections’ by Hopwoodite
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1911-1950s
BUS: Working as ‘half-timer’; Mills called by nicknames; ‘Twelve’s’ shops; Wild’s Minerals; Tranters
CEL: Visit of King George; Maypole Day;
EDU: Magdala St School;
EL: Dances; Hopwood Picture Palace; Other cinemas;
HOM: Monday wash day, washing and ironing; no coal during General Strike; Donkey stones;
PL: Clive St.; Gregge St. as ‘Waggon Road’; Miller St.; Liberal Club, Green Lane; Magdala St.; Public toilets on Hind Hill St.;
REL: Miller St Primitive Chapel; Whit Friday;
TRN: Tramlines;
WAR: World War 1;
Names: Tom Isherwood, Mr Nightingale, Mr Wilkinson (cinema)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.18
Title/author: ‘Village Life Remembered’ by G Teale (nee Lowe)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1925-1940s
BUS: Shops in Heap Bridge; Fire at Yates-Duxbury;
EDU: Heap Bridge Primary School opened 1912;
EL: Brass band; Magic lantern shows; ‘Heap Bridge Revellers’ 1931/32 – (photo, names)
PL: Heap Brow; demolition of Prettywood houses;
REL: Church of St George;
Names: Rev William Potter
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.20
Title/author: ‘Coal and Heywood’ by John Slawson
Type: History
Setting: 19th century on
BUS: 19th century heyday; Different types of pits;
PL: Pits at - Hopwood; Waggon Rd; Ashworth Colliery; Bamford Close; Wolstenholme Fold; Meadowcroft; Coalbank and Flagstone; Bowling Green; Captain Fold; Bamford Colliery; Red Lumb; Hooley Bridge
Names: Lady Susan Hopwood, Robert Gregge Hopwood, George Butterworth, Will Redman,
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.22
Title/author: ‘Married on Hitler’s Birthday’ by Mary Stott (n.Lunn)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1914-
BUS: Knotting towel fringes at Hargreaves (1928), wages; Times Mill; WR Lees (Hooley Bridge)
EDU: Regent St School; Heady Hill School; Heywood Grammar School exams; Heywood Central School;
PL: Bury Old Rd;
Names: Miss Barber (teacher), Mary Simcott, Molly Boucher, Fred Stott, Canon Redmond, Margaret Crowther, Franwell Buckley (sold oatcakes), Arthur Stott,
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.23
Title/author: ‘A Tale from Three Arrows’ by Kathleen Schofield
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1961
Places/themes: PUB: Three Arrows
Names: Stanley Payne (landlord); Tom Wood (farmer)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p.24
Title/author: The Good Old Days?’ by Ada Taylor (n. Scharnhorst)
Type: Reminiscences ‘
Setting: 1904 on
BUS: Butcher; Birch Mill; Princess Mill
EL: ‘Empire’ cinema
IMM: Immigrants from Germany
PL: Back Birch Street, Birch; Doctor’s Lane, Birch; Pickup S.; Hardfield; Schofield St.
TRN: First motorbike in Heywood
WAR: WW1 internment
Names: Mary Howarth, Paul Scharnhorst, Denis Prior, Tommy Sunderland (coalman); John Ratledge (builders); Charles Ellis (meat shop)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 27
Title/author: ‘Memories of Heywood Albion Cycling Club’ by Denis Baldry
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1920s-1939
BUS: Harry Bolton cycle shop; Shepherd’s cycle shop;
SPT: Heywood Albion Cycling Club
Names: Lomax, Rushworth, George Bolton, Joseph Gledhill
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Stoke House’ by Jean Howarth
Type: Letter
Setting: pre-1983
Places/themes: Stoke House, Queens Park Road
Names: Ted Howarth
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Memories’ by ‘Pensioner’
Type: Letter
Setting: 1910s on
BUS: Greaves, Twelves (bakery); Barnes (grocer), Masons (shop), Mills’ chemists, cnr of Taylor St.
EDU: Bethel St. School
FLK: ‘Fireman’s Foot’, fire at mill
PL: Cottages, Kenyon Mill, Crimble
WAR: WW1, bugle calling territorials at outset
Names: X
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 29
Title/author: ‘A Line From Canada’ by Peggy and Jock Kerr (n.Taylor)
Type: Letter
Setting: Pre-1961
BUS: Perry’s Towel Mill; Aspinall’s Smithy; Frank Rigby’s Pawn Shop, Bury St.; Woosey’s Cake Shop; Sanderson the Clogger; Bowker’s Chip Shop, Wham St.
EDU: Regent St. School; Hornby St. Girls’ School
PL: Wham Bar; Wham St. (description of); Botany Wood
WAR: Teddy Corns, John Bly, Charlie Ashworth (all killed in WW2)
Names: Miss Barber (teacher); Fred Bridge (Sunday School)
Vol. 4, SUM 1991, p. 29
Title/author: ‘Public House checks’ by Clifford Stockton
Type: Letter
Setting: 1850s-70s
Places/themes: PUB: Dog and Partridge, Rochdale Road East; Heywood Cemetery
Names: Thomas Fenton, licensee 1858-71
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 4
Title/author: ‘My Memories’ by Doris Lake (n.Tetlow)
Type: Reminiscences (with photo of Fire Brigade)
Setting: 1914 on
BUS: Fire Brigade (yard on York St.); Mutual Mills
EDU: St Luke’s School
PL: York St.; Hartley St. (fireman’s homes); Alleged tunnel under Advertiser office, St Luke’s Church, May Wolstenholme’s Ladies Outfitters, across centre of Heywood to Queen Anne, then narrow one to Longford St., was known as ‘Smugglers Tunnel’
WAR: WW2, service of Jim Lake
Names: Tom, Bill, Dick and Alice Tetlow; Jim Lake; Gracie Fields; Capt. Porritt, Heywood MP;
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 7
Title/author: ‘A Child’s Mikado’ by M Williams
Type: Reminiscences (with photo of Guide show, 1930)
Setting: 1918 on
EDU: St John’s Sunday School, Rock St.;
EL: Guide show ‘The Last Mikado’
ORG: St. John’s Brownies and Guides;
PL: Gregge St.;
Names: Marjorie Williams n.Hogg; Mr Maddocks; Billy Waters; Ken Hulton; Irena Matthews; Norah Cox; Jessie Taylor; Robert North; Jean Waters; Beatrice Ketland; Maisie Leach; Gladys Hinde; Alice Maddocks
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.8
Title/author: ‘From Riveting Lad to Factory Owner’ by J Higson
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1820s-1916
BIO: John Clegg
BUS: John Clegg & Co. (boiler makers, Star Works); Joseph Smith Hargreaves (match factory)
MUN: Heywood Local Board
ORG: Freemasons
PL: Duke St.
REL: Bethel Chapel
Names: John Clegg
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.10
Title/author: ‘Heywood has been good to us’ by ‘Mary’(n.Johnson)
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902 on
BUS: Roach Mill (working as doffer); Wild’s
EDU: Bamford Rd School;
EL: Music - Church Lad’s Brigade and St Luke’s Church band;
PL: Old School House, Queens Park Road; Bit-Bats.
Names: Alex Johnson (bandmaster); St Luke’s Lad’s Brigade Band – J Taylor, T Johnson, I Jackson, L Barlow, J Watkiss, E Preece, T Bowker, J Oddie, E Schofield, S Jackson, S Fletcher, F Riley, O Driver, T Yates, JD Johnson, A Johnson, Rev. H Sergeant, Rev. CM Cameron, H Jesson, T Lee; Reg Cutler.
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 12
Title/author: ‘My Lost Week (The Mary Coleman Story)’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1896
BIO: Mary Coleman
BUS: Birch Mill(weavers); Home Help; Image of ‘Borough of Heywood Labour Certificate’
EDU: Harwood Park School
PL: Doctor Fold Lane, Birch
SPT: Cycling – Clarion Cycle Club
Names: Mary Coleman; Bennett, William, James, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah Isherwood; Richard, Roy and Elsie Coleman
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 14
Title/author: ‘Charles Howarth - Co-operative Pioneer’ by Mike Hill
Type: History
Setting: 1814-68
BIO: Charles Howarth
BUS: Co-op Society; Rochdale Weavers Strike
PL: Wilton St.
Names: Charles Howarth
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 18
Title/author: ‘Ben’s Story’ by Ben Wild
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1902 on
BUS: Knocker-up; Healey’s; Heywood Original and Mutual Society (‘Dead List’), Hind Hill St.; Bradley’s (clothing shop, town centre); Howcrofts’ (bakery); Billy Parkie (chip shop); Yorkshire Penny Bank, York/Queen St.; Kay’s furniture shop, Queen St.; Nightingale’s, drink shop, Manchester Road; Fitzpatrick’s, Wharton’s (drink shops);
COM: Royal visits 1913, 1940s
EDU: Bamford Road School
EL: Games - ‘Peggy’; kite flying; Music – Heywood Old Band, Heywood Concertina Band, Heywood Military Band, German bands (pre-WW1); ‘Bee Hive’ billiard hall, Queen St. (used to be church and school);
MED: Drs Hitchon, Bisset and Wisken, Manchester Road
PL: Doctor Fold Lane, Birch; Brunswick St.; Spinners Row; View from Bury Old Road to Heaton Park; Gaskill St.; ‘Chicken Run’ from Pilsworth Road to Duke of Wellington pub (‘promenading’); sand hill at Taylor St./Hind Hill St.;
REL: Catholic Church on Dawson St.;
SPT: Football
WAR: WW1, German zeppelin seen over Knowl Hill from Garden St (bombed Bolton); family casualties in WW1.
Names: Blind Charlie (piano tuner); Tommy Short (barber); Pea Sammy (barms); Harold Nunwick; Cranfield (pro cricketer, Pot Hall)
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p.11
Title/author: Answers to place names quiz, HLM #4
Type: Geography
Setting: Undated
Places/themes: PL: Ogden Hall (Sycamore Ave.); The Hollow (Civic Hall); The Bunk (nr Waggon Works); Honest Row (Haresill Road); Skennin’ Brew (top Bamford Rd.); Down t’ Brook (Bridge St.); Bob Cobs (Middleton Rd. footpath); Back o’ Becketts (Walton St.); Green Blind Row (Gregge St.); Fitton Hill (Glamis Ave.); Waggon Road (nr. Sycamore Ave.); Breakle/Brick Hill (Gregge St.); Windy Bank (Hartley St.)
Names: x
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 23
Title/author: ‘Heywood Central Selective School’ by ‘Anon’
Type: History/reminiscences
Setting: 1920-1940s
EDU: Heywood Central Selective School; Hornby St. Senior School; school curriculum, 1920s; Regent St. School; Regent St. Secondary Modern School
PL: Cheesden Valley
Names: JT Pearson (headmaster); Mr Lunt (headmaster, 1930s); John Whitworth, Miss Peers, A Hobson, Miss Ashworth. Miss McWhinnie, Miss Ramsbottom, Miss Rigby/Mrs Naylor (teachers); Mr Chaplin (headmaster); Mr Brown (caretaker and cricketer); Mr Chadwick (headmaster); Mr Watkinson (headmaster)
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 26
Title/author: ‘We danced to the Station’ by William Chadwick
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1906 on
BUS: New York Mill (closed 1929); Moss Mill
COM: Whit Walks, preparations, route, Accrington Band played for 70 years, St. Luke’s Choir
EDU: St Luke’s School
PL: Gorsey Hill St.; John St.
WAR: WW2, A.R.P.
Names: Tricky Johnson; Alice Chadwick; Roger ?Whittaker (organist); Phillip Holt (choirmaster);
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 28
Title/author: ‘Pubs, Clubs and Churches we have known’ by Harry Hill
Type: History
Setting: Undated
PUB: Closed pubs and clubs - Coronation Club/Red Lion, Birch (closed after WW2); Hopwood Liberal Club (Green Lane); Hopwood Arms, Minders Arms (Victoria St., Hopwood); Swan, British Legion Club (nr. Latex); Friendship (Rochdale Lane); Cotton Tree (Hardfield St.); Mitre (Miller St.); Star, Star and Garter (Bamford Rd.); Reform Club; Red Lion (Ashton St.); Commercial Hotel (Bridge St.); Labour Club (Bridge St.); Phoenix club, Garden St. (closed 1963); Yew Tree (Peel Lane); Railway (Prettywood); Irish Democratic Club (Morrisons); Royal Oak (York St.); Joiners (Hornby St.), closed late 1980s; Railway Hotel (Manchester Road); East Ward Working Men’s Club (Manchester Road), closed 1985;
REL: Closed churches - Hopwood United Methodist Church; Hopwood Wesleyan Church; Miller St. Methodist Church; Greentown Methodist Church; Heywood New Jerusalem Church; Heywood Mission Chapel; Heywood Unitarian Church; Market St. Methodist Church; Primitive Methodist Church; Bury St. C of E Sunday School; Heady Hill C of E Church; Heap Bridge Methodist Church; Queens Park Road Spiritualist Church; York St. Congregational Church
Vol. 5, AUT 1991, p. 30
Title/author: ‘Ashworth and its Characters’ by ‘Gabriel Oak’
Type: Reminiscences
Setting: 1940 on
PL: Knowl Hill; Higher Red Lumb Farm;
WAR: WW2, Ministry of Food, Compulsory Ploughing Act,
Names: X