Who Was Living in Heywood in 1841?
The following is taken from Pigot and Co’s
National and Commercial Directory and Topography, 1841.
Population Heap Chapelry, comprising Heywood
1831… - 6,552
1841… - 10,429
Increase… 3,877
Market Day at Heywood, Saturday. Fairs, first Friday in April, Friday before the first Sunday in August, and the first Friday after October 1st, for cattle, woollen cloth, &c.
POST OFFICE Market-place, Heywood. - Thomas Battersby, Post Master. - Letters from Rochdale &c. arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every afternoon at four. - Letters from Bury &c. arrive every forenoon at eleven, and are despatched every afternoon at four.
* When the town is not mentioned the names are in Heywood.
Ainsworth Margaret, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Aked Edmund, farmer and cow leech[i], Heap fold
Alston Edmund, shoemaker, York st
Alston William, clog and patten maker, Market place
Andrew Robert, nail maker, York st
Armstrong Mary, day school, Bridge st
Ashton James, beer retailer, Church st
Ashton James, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Ashton James, farmer, Heap
Ashton Moses, beer retailer, Hard field
Ashton Samuel, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Ashworth James, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Ashworth John, shopkeeper, Bamford
Ashworth John, shopkeeper, Makent
Ashworth Thomas, ironmonger, Church st
Ashworth William, tailor, Bury st
Ashworth William, beer retailer, Bamford road
Aspinall James, blacksmith, Bridge st
Aspinall Robert, farmer, Heywood hall
Banks John, clog and patten maker, Bury st
Barlow Charles, tailor and draper, Bridge st
Barlow William, joiner and builder, Rochdale road
Baron & Tattersall, cotton spinners and manufacturers, Pitfield mill, Bamford, near Rochdale
Barratt William, blacksmith, Gee st
Bates John, boot and shoe maker, Bridge st
Battersby Thomas, vict. Queen Anne, Market place
Bentley George, ironmonger, Market st
Bernard James, tailor and draper, Market st
Berry Thomas, beer retailer, Bridge st
Beswick James, beer retailer, York st
Birch Abraham, shopkeeper, Sandy lane
Birch Joseph, ironmonger, Bridge st
Blackburn Rev. William, Bamford
Blackhurst J. Greaves, attorney, Bamford st - (attends every Friday)
Blackhurst John Greaves, agent to the Independent West Middlesex Assurance Company, Bamford st
Bland James, shopkeeper, Oxford st
Blunt Mary, beer retailer, Peel st
Booth James, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Booth John, boot and shoemaker, Market place
Booth Mrs. Mary, Market place
Booth Mary, vict. White Lion, York st
Bowker Samuel, shopkeeper, Market st
Bridge James, farmer, Shaw gate
Brierley Jonathan, hair dresser, Market place
Briggs John, builder, Lane End
Briggs Walker, builder, York st
Brooks Jonathan, pawnbroker, York st
Brown Esther, druggist, York st
Brown George, greengrocer, Bridge st
Burch Richard, shopkeeper, York st
Butterworth John, farmer, Heady hill
Butterworth John, beer retailer, Hard field
Butterworth Joseph, shoemaker, Hooley bridge
Butterworth Thomas, butcher, Bridge st
Butterworth William, draper, Bridge st
Butterworth Wm. vict. Brunswick Hotel, Bridge st
Casson Ezra, draper and grocer, York st
Cawley Samuel, agent for G. Hopwood, esq. Gooden house
Chadwick & Diggles, cotton spinners and fustian manufacturers, Mill st
Chadwick George, vict. Britannia, Bridge st
Chadwick Hugh, manufacturer, house Paved brow
Chadwick Jacob, manufacturer, house Paved brow
Chadwick James, rag dealer, Bridge st
Chadwick James & Samuel, cotton spinners, Bury st
Chadwick Samuel & Sons, cotton spinners and manufacturers, Britannia st
Chadwick Mr. Thomas, Rochdale road
Chadwick Thomas, beer retailer, Charlestown
Chadwick Mr. William, Brunswick st
Chaffer Thomas, wheelwright, York st
Cheetham Moses, linen draper, cotton spinner and manufacturer, York st
Clayton George, cotton spinner, Heady hill; house Top of Heap
Clegg Charles, manager, Sandy lane
Clegg James, cotton spinner & manufacturer, Fold mill
Clegg James, manufacturer, house Hind hill
Clegg Jas. & Co. cotton spinners & manufacturers, Vale mill
Clegg Thomas, overseer, Hooley bridge
Clegg Wm. cotton spinner & manufacturer, Lane end
Clegg Wm. jun. cotton spinner, house Rochdale lane
Cleggs' & Halls', cotton spinners and manufacturers, Bowling-green mills
Clemishaw Charles, salesman, Makent
Clifton Robert, beer retailer, Temple st
Collinge Robert, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Collinge Robert, jun. tin-plate worker, Bridge st
Collinge Samuel, shopkeeper, York st
Collins Mr. Jonathan, Wham house
Collins Jonathan, jun. cotton spinner, Wham mill
Constabulary Station, Bamford road - John Phenix, superintendent
Cook James, hair dresser, Bridge st
Cook Valentine, bookseller and printer, Market place
Cooper William, clog and patten maker, Bridge st
Crabtree Samuel, shoemaker, Market st
Crompton Walter & Wm. tailors & drapers, Market st
Cropper Benjamin, shoemaker, Bury st
Crosbie Robert & Co. drapers, Market place
Cross Richard, shoemaker, Bury st
Crowther John, wharfinger[ii], house New road
Cunliffe Jeremiah, vict. Swan, Manchester st
Dale Ann, furniture broker, Bamford road
Dale Peter, reed maker, Bamford road
Darney William, butcher, Bury st
Davies John, cooper, Bridge st
Dawson Eleazer, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Dawson Hannah, clog & patten maker, Manchester st
Dawson John, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Dawson Jonathan, wood turner, Roe acre
Dawson Rev. William, York st
Dearden Benjamin, beer retailer, Heady hill
Dearden Mr. George, Rochdale road
Dearden James, coal owner, Bamford colliery
Dewhurst James, hair dresser, Market place
Diggle Jehu, shopkeeper, Bury st
Diggle John, joiner and builder, Rochdale road
Diggle Joseph, manufacturer, house Paved brow
Diggle William, manufacturer, house Paved brow
Dixon Michael, farmer, Captain fold
Dove Samuel, stock and die maker, George st
Duck worth Thomas, beer retailer, Bridge st
Dyson Valentine, shoe maker, Bridge st
Eckersley Eli, tailor, Market st
Eckersley John, rag dealer, York st
Eckersley Moses, Temperance Coffee House, York st
Entwistle John, manufacturer·, house Heady hill
Eubank Richard, pawnbroker, Market St
Fairbrother Peter, beer retailer, Manchester st
Fenton James, esq. Bamford hall
Fenton John, Esq. M.P. Crimble
Fenton, Schofield & Co. cotton spinners and manufacturers, Hooley bridge
Fielding Joseph & Co. grocers & linen drapers, Market place
Fitton Edward, beer retailer, Dawson st
Fitton Jacob, beer retailer, Manchester st
Fitton Thomas, shopkeeper Hooley bridge
Fitton William, shopkeeper, Wilton st
Fletcher Abraham, shoe maker, North st
Fletcher James, beer retailer, Scholfield st
Fletcher Kay, chair maker, Church st
Fletcher William, beer retailer, Hooley bridge
Foster Joseph, Surgeon, Church st
Foulds Daniel, tailor, Hooley bridge
Foxhall John, tailor, York st
Frankland Robert shopkeeper, Wilton st
Frankland Samuel, beer retailer, Bury st
Galendo Rev. Alfred, Wilson's buildings
Gas Works Hooley bridge - Richard Burch, manager
Gee Adam, farmer, New York
Gee Alice, beer retailer, York st
Gee Mrs. Ann, Bridge st
Gee Jacob, vict. Masons Arms, Market place
Gee Samuel, butcher, Bury st
Gee Samuel, butcher, Market place
Gee Thomas, shopkeeper, Charlestown
Gee William, vict. Duke of Wellington, Church st
Glazebrook lsaac, shoemaker & leather dealer, York st
Glazebrook James, clog and patten maker, Bridge st
Glover John, beer retailer, Church st
Gorton James, rope maker, Captain fold
Greenhalgh Ann, school mistress, Church st
Greenhalgh Betty beer retailer, War office
Greenhalgh Denis, shopkeeper, York st
Greenhalgh James, tailor, War office
Greenhalgh Peter, shopkeeper & beer retailer, Bury st
Greenhalgh William, tailor, Bridge st
Greenhalgh William, shopkeeper, Bury st
Greenwood William, beer retailer, Bamford road
Griffin EIlen, pork butcher, Market place
Grindrod James, beer retailer, Bridge st
Grundy Thomas & Alfred & John, attorneys, and clerks to the magistrates, Market place
Hacking Joseph and James & Co. cotton spinners and fustian manufacturers, Heady hill
Hall David, shopkeeper, Wilton st
Hall Thos. vict. Stonemasons Arms, & stone merchant, Bury st
Hamer & Lund, cotton spinners, Britannia st
Hamer Thomas, tin-plate worker, Bridge st
Hanson Robert, shopkeeper, Market place
Hardman James, beer retailer, Peel st
Hargreaves Elizabeth, straw hat maker, Church st
Hargreaves John, manufacturer, house Manchester st
Hargreaves Jno. cotton spinner & manufacturer, Hey mill
Harrison James, manufacturer, house Bury
Harrison James & John & Co. cotton spinners and manufacturers, Gee st
Hartley Wm. cotton spinner & fustian manfr. New York & Roe Acre mills
Hartley William, manufacturer, house Wilton st
Harwood Joseph, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Harwood Joseph & Co. cotton waste spinners, Schofield’s place
Heywood James, rope maker, York st
Heywood John, bookseller and printer, Market st
Heywood William, rope maker, Captain fold
Higginbottom John, farmer, Heap
Higson John, saddler, &c. Market place
Hill Thomas, boiler maker, Scholfield st
Hill Thomas, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Hilton James, beer retailer, Manchester st
Hobson George Robert, shopkeeper, Bottom of brow
Holden John, toll collector, Bury road
Holland John, hat manufacturer, Market st
Holland William, plumber and glazier, Bridge st
Hollos Edward, beer retailer and carrier, York st
Hollows Mathias, hair dresser, Bridge st
Holmes Henry, vict. Bird in the Hand, Birtle
Holt James, beer retailer, Bury lane
Holt John, beer retailer, Hooley bridge
Holt Ralph, tallow chandler[iii], Church st
Holt Richard, shopkeeper, Church st
Holt Thomas, beer retailer, Bamford
Holt William, greengrocer, York st
Hope Joseph, shopkeeper, Market place
Hope Joseph, farmer, Spout bank
Hornby John, butcher, York st
Horner George, beer retailer, York st
Horrox James, beer retailer, Bury road
Horrox James, butcher and beer retailer, Heap
Horrox Philip, blacksmith, Bamford
Horrox Richard, tailor, High st
Horrox William, blacksmith and farrier, Bury st
Howarth Abraham, shopkeeper, Bury st
Howarth Alice, school, York st
Howarth David, beer retailer, York st
Howarth John, shoemaker, Market st
Howarth John, vict. Jolly Carter, & deputy registrar of births & deaths for the Heywood district, Charlestown
Howarth Jonathan, shopkeeper & butcher, War office
Howarth Michael, shopkeeper, Bamford
Howarth Samuel, butcher, Bridge st
Howarth Thomas, shoemaker, Church st
Hoyle Samuel, farmer, Heap
Hudson Thomas, constable, War office
Humphreys Owen, butcher, Church st
Hutchinson Ann, beer retailer, Bury st
Independent West Middlesex Assurance Company, Bamford st - John Greaves Blackhurst, agent
Ingham Jacob, shoemaker, Bamford
Ingham James, beer retailer, Bridge st
Isherwood Isiah, beer retailer, Manchester st
Jackson James, shoemaker, and registrar of births and deaths for the Birtle district, Bridge st, Hooley bridge
Jackson Peter, saddler and harness maker, Bridge st
Jackson Rev. Thomas, Bamford
Jackson Thomas, shoemaker, and deputy registrar of births and deaths, Bamford
Jameson John, druggist, Bury st
Jones John, tailor, Brierley st
Kay James, tailor, Church st
Kay John, manufacturer, house Heywood hall
Kay John Hilton & Son, cotton spinners and manufacturer, Bridge st
Kay the Misses Maria, Martha and Jane, Peel st
Kay Richard, cotton spinner, Peel st; h. Vale cottage
Kay Mr. Robert, Mill bank
Kenyon Elizabeth & Ann, dress makers, Kenyon fold
Kershaw James & Sons, cotton spinners and fustian manufacturers, Peel street
Kershaw Robert, manufacturer, house Peel st
Knight Thomas, woollen draper, Bridge st
Knowles Ellen & Mary, dress makers, Bridge st
Laycock Joseph, grocer and druggist, Market place
Leach Edmund, shopkeeper, York st
Leach Jesse, surgeon, Market st
Leach Job, beer retailer, Manchester st
Leach John, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Leach John, farmer, Captain fold
Lee Robert, beer retailer, Church st
Lee Thomas, butcher, Manchester st
Leigh Robert, attorney, York st Richmond John
Litton Silvester, fellmonger, Roe acre
Livsey James, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Livsey John, blacksmith, Church st
Livsey Mary, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Livsey Robert, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Livsey Thomas, blacksmith, Bridge st
Livsey Thomas, farmer and carrier, Bully moor
Lunn John, cotton spinner, house Wrigley brook
McCann Charles, tailor, Bridge st
McCreath Est her, shopkeeper, Church st
McNaught Betty, beer retailer, Spout bank
Maden Abraham, shopkeeper, Bamford road
Malen William, beer retailer, Church st
Manoch John, shoemaker, Bamford road
Manoch Nathan, farmer, Higher Broadfield
Manoch Thomas, farmer, Higher Broadfield
Mason Ann, shopkeeper, Church st
Mason Benjamin, grocer, Market st
Mason William, manufacturer, house Church st
Mason William, cotton spinner, Brook st
Mason William, shopkeeper, Church st
Matthews Harry, beer retailer, Bamford
Mechanics’ Institution, Market place - Ezra Casson, treasurer
Mercer John, shopkeeper, Heap
Meredith Caroline & Elizabeth, day school, York st
Merrick James, coal agent to R. G. Hopwood, esq. Manchester street
Merrick James, butcher and shopkeeper, Manchester st
Milburn Robert, painter and glazier, York st
Mills Charles, machine maker, Dawson st; house York st
Mills David, machine maker, Bamford rd; house Moss cottage
Mills James, (executors of) cotton spinners, Bamford road
Mills John, joiner and builder, York st
Mills John, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Mills Matthew, iron founder, Dawson st
Mills Robert, joiner, builder, millwright, and iron founder, Dawson street
Mills Thomas, shoemaker, Manchester st
Minnett Rev. Robert, York st
Moore John, shopkeeper, Church st
Morris Ann, dealer in gold fish, Church st
Morris James, farmer, High Lomas
Mottram Thomas, grocer, Market st
Nash Rev. George Cornwallis, Top of Heap
Nelson James, rope and twine maker, Taylor st
Nelson William, grocer and tea dealer, Bridge st
News and Reading Room, Market place - William Mason, treasurer; Samuel Collinge, secretary
Nuttall Betty, shopkeeper, Hard field
Nuttall Hannah, shopkeeper, Market place
Nuttall Josiah, naturalist, Market place
Nuttall Robert, farmer, Broadfield, Pilsworth
O'Bryen Rev. Hewitt, St. James’ terrace
Ogden Jane, beer retailer, York st
Ogden John, farmer, High Lomas
Ogden Samuel, butcher, Bridge st
Orgar Rev. William, York st
Overseers Offices, Dawson st - Thos. Clegg, overseer
Parkin Moses, farmer, Pilsworth
Parr Mary, beer retailer, Mount st
Partington Edmund, clog maker and tailor, Church st
Partington John, shopkeeper, York st
Peel Edmund, cotton spinner, Makent mills
Perry Thomas, vict. Fleece, War office
Phenix John, superintendent of police, Bamford road
Pickford James Warren, Surgeon, Cleveland buildings
Pilkington Mr. Edward, Manchester st
Pilkington James, beer retailer, Makent mills
Pilkington William, beer retailer, Ashton st
Pickup Alice, butcher, Market place
Plant Job, day school, Nazarene chapel
Pollitt James, beer retailer, Dawson st
Pollitt John, shopkeeper, Dawson st
Pomfret John, clog and patten maker, Bridge st
Porter James, fulling miller, Broadoak mill
Porter James, beer retailer, Heap
Porter Robert, shopkeeper, Bridge st, Hooley bridge
Rammel John, shoemaker, King st, Hooley bridge
Ratcliffe Richard, beer retailer, Hill st
Rawson John, ironmonger, Market st
Rayner Thomas Shering, linen draper, Market place
Rhodes Edmund, shopkeeper, Bury lane
Richardson Charles, beer retailer, Wham lane bar
Richmond John Richardson, brush manufacturer, Bridge st
Riley John, farmer, Captain fold
Rogers George, clock maker, Bridge st
Rose James, hair dresser, York st
Rothwell Edward, farmer, Bamford Hall
Rothwell Henry, beer retailer, School st
Roundhill Jonathan, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Sagar Stephen Carr, druggist, Market place
St. James’ Infants’ School, St. James st - James Sinclair, master; Isabella Sinclair, mistress
Saxton John, beer retailer, Weather cock
Saxton Samuel, beer retailer, Bridge st
Schofield Edmund, farmer, Bamford
Schofield Henry, grocer, Longford st
Schofield Henry, manager, Hooley villa
Schofield James, esq. Hey brook, near Rochdale
Schofield James, beer retailer, Bamford
Schofield Mrs. Mary, St. James' terrace
Scholfield Eleanor, farmer and carrier, Darn hill
Scholfield John, slater, Manchester st
Scholfield the Misses, Mount st
Scholfield Samuel, cotton spinner, Hill st; house Wesley place
Scott Abigail, straw hat maker, Bridge st
Sharp Paul, clog and patten maker, Church st
Shaw George, manager, Makent mill
Shaw Joshua, vict. Navigation, Manchester st
Scowcroft William, beer retailer, Church st
Shackleton Midgley, shoemaker, Rochdale road
Shepherd John, vict. Star, Market place
Shepherd Mrs. Alice, Bridge st
Shepherd William, beer retailer, Bamford
Shepherd William, shoemaker, Church st
Shillito William, tailor, Church st
Sinclair Isabella, schoolmistress, Wilton st
Sinclair James, schoolmaster, Wilton st
Sloan Mary, dress maker, York st
Smith Mark, shopkeeper, Manchester street and loom maker, Church st
Smith Robert, pawnbroker, Brierley st
Spencer Alice, butcher, Bridge st
Spencer George, shopkeeper, Church st
Spencer Nancy, shopkeeper, Brunswick st
Spencer Robinson, butcher, Bridge st
Spragg William, farmer, Heap
Spurs Thomas, wheelwright, Dawson fold
Standring Benjamin, farmer, High Lomas
Standring John, beer retailer, Bridge st
Storry Rev. Richard, academy, Church st
Stott Charles, cotton spinner, Crimble
Stott James, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Stott John, shopkeeper, Scholfield st
Summersall Ninian, beer retailer, Old road
Tattersall James & Son, shopkeeper, Bamford
Taylor Benjamin, dyer, Brook st
Taylor Charles, butcher, Brunswick st
Taylor Edmund, cotton spinner·, Dawson hill; b. Market place
Taylor Hannah, day school, Bury st
Taylor Jacob, joiner, Birtle
Taylor James, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Taylor James, butcher, Church st
Taylor James, surgeon, Bridge st
Taylor Jane, straw hat maker, Bury st
Taylor John, beer retailer, Heady hill
Thornton William, currier, &c. Market place
Thorp Henry, druggist, Bridge st
Turner John, vict. King's Arms, Market place:
Turner Sarah, beer retailer, Bamford
Tweedale Betty, beer retailer, High street
Unsworth Robert, beer retailer, Manchester st
Waddington John, shopkeeper, Bury st
Walter Elizabeth Maria, milliner, &c., Manchester st
Walter Mary, schoolmistress, Manchester st
Warhurst Thomas, vict. Odd Fellows' Arms, Makent mill
Warhurst Thomas, butcher, Rochdale road
Watmough Robert, vict. Dog & Partridge, Captain fold
Wescoe James, schoolmaster, Wilton st
Whalley Thomas, shoe maker, Market st
Whitehurst John, shopkeeper, Bury st
Whitworth James, tailor, Bank st
Whitworth Robert, furniture broker, Market st
Whitworth Robert, beer retailer, Vale st
Wild John, cotton spinner & manufacturer, Manchester st
Wild Joseph, beer retailer, Bridge st
Wild Henry, shopkeeper, Manchester st
Wild Samuel, farmer, Water fold
Wilkinson George, shoemaker, Bridge st
Williamson Benjamin, whitesmith, North st
Wilson John, shopkeeper and tailor Church st
Wilson John, beer retailer, Church st
Wolstenholm Ann, shopkeeper, Hooley bridge
Wolstenholm James, shopkeeper, Charlestown
Wolstenholm Josiah, farmer, Bamford
Wolstenholm Richard, hair dresser, Church st
Wolstenholm Samuel, shopkeeper, Charlestown
Wolstenholm Wm. farmer, Dirty field head, Pilsworth
Wood Betty, beer retailer, Bridge st
Wood, Edmund, greengrocer, York st
Woolstenholme Rev. Joseph, Captain fold
Woolstenholme Thomas, shuttle maker, Wellmeadow
Workhouse, Bury Old road - George Lord, master; Elizabeth Lord, mistress
Worth Jane Susan, straw hat maker, York st
Yates Henry, dyer, Taylor st
Yates James, shoemaker, Bury st
COACHES. Calling at the Queen Anne, Heywood
To BURY, a Coach (from Rochdale), every Monday evening at five and six.
To HASLINGDEN, a Coach (from Rochdale), every Monday morning at nine.
To ROCHDALE, a Coach (from Bury), every Monday morning at ten and eleven - and another (from Haslingden), every Monday afternoon at five.
To and from MANCHESTER and LITTLEBOROUGH, Trains, on the Manchester and Leeds Railway, pass the Station, one mile and a half from Heywood, morning at nine and eleven, afternoon at one and four, and evening at six.
* A Horse Boat conveys passengers between the Station and Heywood, according to the arrival and departure of the trains.
To BOLTON, Robert Greenhalgh, from his house, Heywood, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - and Eleanor Schofield, from her house, every Monday and Thursday.
To MANCHESTER, Thomas Livsey and Eleanor Schofield, from their houses, Heywood, every Tuesday, Thun. and Sat.
Days of sailing uncertain
The Rochdale Canal Co. Wharfinger – John Crowther, agent
To HULL, GOOLE, WAKEFIELD, ROCHDALE &c., Thompson, McKay & Co. Barnby, Faulkner & Co. T. & W. Marsden & Co. William Jackson & Sons, and Buckley, Kershaw & Co.
To LIVERPOOL, the Merchants Company and John Patchett & Co.
To MANCHESTER, the Merchants' Company, John Patchett & Co., Thompson, McKay & Co. Barnby, Faulkner & Co., T. & W. Marsden & Co. William Jackson & Sons and Buckley, Kershaw & Co.
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Heywood, 1848. |