Shopping in Old Heywood

There was a time when Heywood was full of small shops, each catering to different specialised needs - paraffin oil, tinware, tobacco, shoes... you name it, there was a shop for it. This was a time without departments stores, when transport to other towns was more difficult, and so people shopped locally. Many of these shops disappeared as shopping habits changed:

Link to a description of Market Place in Heywood, Lancashire, in 1848
A wonderfully-descriptive account of a walk around the centre of Heywood in 1848.

Link to history of shops in Heywood
Some of the many different shops that once lined the streets of Heywood. (Page under construction)

Link to history of markets in Heywood, Lancashire
The story of one of Heywood's most popular institutions - the markets. (Page under construction)


Tony said…
How would I find an old picture of a shop on Church St in Heywood ?